Is Your Drinking Out of Control?

With the widespread availability and social acceptance of alcohol, it’s not surprising that alcohol is the most commonly abused substance. It is a fine line between alcohol consumption and alcohol addiction, but where does that line begin and end?
While every individual and their circumstances vary, here are just a few factors to consider when deciding if your drinking is out of control:
Being Unable to Say No to More Drinks
One telling sign of alcoholism versus casual consumption is being unable to have just one drink. Many people with alcohol addiction will hide under guises like “social drinker” or “celebratory drinker,” but if you find yourself unable to stop, this may be indicative of a more serious issue.
Using Alcohol as a Crutch to Cope
Many AA groups will agree that if your casual drinking turns into a way to cope with stress or pain, you may have an alcohol addiction. Using alcohol as a crutch is especially common in those who have experienced abuse or witnessed violence in their past. Our 12-step program in Boulder delves into root causes of addiction to help participants overcome past traumas.
Choosing Alcohol Over Responsibilities
Have you ever skipped work, parental duties, family gatherings, etc. because you were drinking alcohol or hungover? Feeling incapable of saying no to alcohol – even when other responsibilities ride on your shoulders – is very common in people who have developed alcoholism. Such dependency can be broken by numerous lifestyle changes, such as engaging in outdoor therapy.
Lying About Drinking or Sneaking Alcohol
If you find the need to hide your alcohol consumption or pretend that you haven’t been drinking, chances are good you already know that your drinking has become a problem. Social drinking doesn’t require an alibi or hidden bottles. Similarly, if you find that alcohol is damaging relationships in your life, there is a strong likelihood that you have developed an addiction.
Experiencing Blackouts or Memory Lapses
When consuming large volumes of alcohol within short periods of time, the brain is unable to create new memories, causing temporary amnesia or memory lapses. If this happens frequently, your alcohol consumption may be out of control.
If you identify with any of these indicators, you may be struggling with alcoholism. Our 12-step program in Boulder addresses these issues head-on to provide lasting recovery. Learn more about our rehab treatment programs.